Friday, April 18, 2008

"Everybody Dies!"

If you've ever met me, you probably know that I have a special love for horror movies. As most avid movie watchers will tell you, horror movies tend to range from absolutely shit to really good. Very rarely does a horror film expand into greatness, that seems to be a realm reserved for dramas with a message, at least thats what many would have you believe. Personally, I've seen a lot of horror films that I would rank right next to films like Yojimbo and The Godfather, movies generally considered to be uncompromisingly great. The film I'm set to review in this blog however, is not one of those movies.

Murder Party is an independent feature by Jeremy Saulnier. Its one of those movies that you see in the horror section of a DVD store and just shake your head at. But like many of its kind, Murder Party holds a lot more value than it lets on. I discovered this movie one night at work. It was a Thursday night at Hollywood Video and the staff was cleaning and getting ready for close when I stumbled into the stock room. I took a gander at the movies that were set to come out the following week; employees of most rental stores are allowed to rent the movies before their release dates, and as my eyes searched over the titles, a blood red box caught my eye. "Murder Party" it said, writting on the spine of the DVD in a free font most anyone can download on the internet (though the same can be said for many fonts used these days). As you can imagine, I was intrigued. Pulling out the case I'm greeted with amazing imagery; a man dressed as a knight (made out of cardboard) dual wielding chainsaws. Now, my chainsaw fetish in movies dates back to the Evil Dead series, so anyone with my same love for them should instantly find the movie enticing. Something about B-Grade movies with chainsaws is just really awesome; so of course I rented it. I must say, sometimes you just get lucky and you find a movie that just seems like it was made for you, Murder Party was one of those movies for me.

And now for a review...

As stated before, Murder Party is a film by Jeremy Saulnier, but it is credited to an entire group of filmmakers known as the Lab of Madness. As someone entering into the film without any prior knowledge of the group's work, expectations were set at a low level, as they should be for any B-Horror film. The film opens up calmly with shots of a low key neighborhood enjoying the wonderful time that is Halloween, especially in a neighborhood that embraces that type of spirit. We find ourselves following a small black envelope as it blows down the sidewalk in the wind. Soon enough, fate intervenes, the envelope is stopped by a foot stomping on it's form and pow, we meet our hero.

The movie focuses on a middle aged man who generally, represents the average Joe-Loser of America. He's traveling down the street, a bag of rented videos in his hand, when he stops the small black envelope on the sidewalk. Opening the letter he finds an invitation, an invitation to a "Murder Party" to which he uncharacteristically decides to attend upon receiving said invite. He heads to his mediocre home and prepares a costume, a comical knight outfit made from cardboard, and sets on his way to the party that would create the worst night of his life.

The "Murder Party" itself is merely a ruse, used by a group of starving "artists" gathered in the heart of a broken down warehouse for the night. Unknown to our soon to arrive hero, these "artists" are preparing to take the very person who receives the invitation, and kill them all in the name of art. These characters, all decked out in fully detailed Halloween costumes that actually represent their characters in a way (including a sweet Baseball Furies costume) tend to represent variations of the oh-so cliche'd pretentious artist types that people encounter. This is especially true for those of us with any involvement in the art & design world. These people do exist, and they really suck at life.

Its hard to really describe Murder Part in full, as much of the movie is driven on dialogue alone. Post the initial interactions of our protagonist and the group of not-so bright antagonists, the movie mixes spurts of action with a nice tone of black humor and a direct parody of artists to drive the entertainment. As for the physical action itself, bar an escape atttempt towards the middle of the movie by Chris, our hero, all of the action is reserved until the end, when all of the shit hits the fan. I won't ruin any of what happens in the movie during these parts, but Chris throwing a pile of trash at his captors and then running was priceless and really represented the dry humor the movie presents.

As for the movie itself, outside of a plot that makes me smile at even the mention of its title, was well above B standards. The first thing you might notice about the film is that its looks really nice. The cameras used on the film are obviously of higher quality than normal low budget releases and it shows, the movie has none of the shitty camera feel that many of its peers suffer from. A lot of the time, that alone can drive away a potential audience, a good camera just seems to make shit better.

It should be noted that bar maybe one or two of the performers, all of the characters in the movies are portrayed by members of the Lab of Madness team and themselves, creators of the film. Much of the cast aided the film by producing, writing, and creating special effects. In such, the acting in the film is better than expected. This however, is aided by the fact that the movie really requires no serious chops, bar a breakdown from Bill towards the end, and features very little in the way of characterization. This is forgiven however, based on the fact that horror movies don't require deep characters to be fucking awesome.

In the end of it all, Murder Party (more so than most movies) really comes down to taste. If you're looking for a movie to add to your collection next to Citizen Kane and Gone With the Wind, look elsewhere. But if you like movies where you can just tell how much the creators loved it, movies with a dry tone, movies with dark humor, and really awesome B-Grade horror general, Murder Party is waiting for you to attend. I guess I'll see you there..

But remember.. Everybody Dies!

Grade: B

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